Thursday, April 14, 2011

I knew kids tend to fight sleep, but I never realized how much a baby could try to stay awake so hard and so early! Eliot may be rubbing both heavy eyes, but he'll do all he can to keep kicking and stay awake. This baby hatesss to nap and rarely does.

We had a fun day yesterday. I took Eliot and Abed-nego for a long walk down Rivermont--maybe the longest walk I've been on in a while. When we got back, Eliot had dozed off for a few minutes, so I called Liberty to sign up for my doctoral comprehensive exam this summer. Once completed, that will put me in the dissertation stage and officially a "doctoral candidate." I'm pretty excited. :) Eliot woke up half-way through the phone call (I told you he doesn't nap!), but a paci was able to keep him from crying until I got off the phone--and I was only on the phone for 8 minutes and 41 seconds.

Afterward, I grabbed a bottled IBC cherry limeade from the fridge and sat on the front stoop with Eliot. He loves to look up at the trees and I love cherry limeades. Haha! It was too pretty of a day to stay inside. Eliot wanted to eat, so we went inside and I called my mom when he was finished.

It doesn't sounds like a lot, but all of that with also eating lunch (always a challenge) got me through the day until Chris came home. I have more things on my "to do" list, so today needs to be a little more productive, a little less fun, but at least I signed up for the comps and went for a walk, right?

Before Chris's parents come on Sunday I need to:
Grade Engl 100C and submit final grades.
Grade Engl 100A and my two Engl 100Ds as well.
Create my Educ 758 group discussion board.
Create and reply to my Educ 758 whole class discussion board.
Write my text chapter summaries for Educ 758.
Write my project for Educ 758.
Organize all the dang mail on the dining room table.
Sweep sweep sweep all the time.
Wash some sheets.
Go to--I mean send Chris--to the grocery store.
Probably do some laundry.
Hopefully plant some flowers.
Mow--I mean have Chris mow--the lawn.
Call insurance company and ask why they aren't covering any of Eliot's pediatrician bills.

Eh. Not so much fun. I need to get to some serious work today and tonight. It's just hard to do schoolwork with Eliot around.

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