Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today is either going to be awesomely easy or very difficult. Eliot got his second round of vaccines today. Last time, he slept all day, but these are different vaccines, so who knows how he'll react. As I sat in the room reading over the handout noting all of his possible reactions, I just wanted to get out of there. The risk with vaccines is so so low, especially when compared to what they are preventing, but it is scary to see what could happen.

He screamed and cried, of course, but only for a minute. Then he was all smiles. Fell asleep in the car... and now an hour later, he is babbling in the bassinet with his legs in the air. He's such a special little guy.

We joined the Y yesterday and thought of taking him to the pool today. After remembering that he'd be getting vaccines, we're putting it off until tomorrow. I can't wait to see how he reacts. He enjoys bathtime, so maybe he won't hate it. Haha! Gotta start early. Yesterday I assured him that he already knew how to swim instinctively, so if we just keep practicing, he'll never forget. The Y here has a big, indoor family pool, so I'm excited to swim year-round.

Also this past weekend, Eliot completely figured out the jumparoo. I suppose the growth spurt paid off (and he is sleeping like normal again, getting up about three times a night), and he can touch the ground with his feet to jump jump jump. He really gets into it. It's just hilarious.

On Sunday, we really needed some fun. I had a horrible headache allll Saturday and did nothing. Usually Sundays are filled with grading and schoolwork, but we put it off some. We went shopping where I used the sling for the first time outside of the house. Eliot did well. Just drooled a lot. Ha. But it worked. That car carrier is getting too heavy to tote around everywhere, even if it does go on the cart. Anyway, we went to Old Navy to buy some shorts for myself, but they didn't have my size. Instead, we bought a couple of outfits for Eliot because they were all 40% off to make room for their new summer line, I suppose.

Then over to Target where I DID get shorts. These were the first two pairs of shorts I have gotten since middle school. Yep, middle school. I have always worn these long shorts that cut off right before my knee since I was 13. The same ones. For 11 years. I feel weird in shorts. I also got some Mederma stretch mark cream. I wouldn't have got it on my own because it was kind of expensive, but Chris said I should just get it if I wanted it. I only got stretch marks on my upper thighs and refuse to wear a regular bathing suit because of it. Instead, I ordered a pair of board shorts. Which is fine. But if I can get the marks to fade some, that'd be awesome. They're still red. ...I still don't understand why I got them THERE and no where else, but if I had to get them, I'd rather them be there than my tummy.

Speaking of vanity, I'm slightly below my pre-pregnancy weight, but just not feeling the same. I didn't expect to all the way. I know the weight is placed differently now. And I felt like I looked great for having a baby a month ago and then two months ago and maybe even three months ago, but I worry that this standard won't be good enough in the coming months. I worry that this extra around my waist is too much to be "good for x months"--you fill in the blank. So, I've done some crunches and some squats and yadda yadda. I just don't know what works. I've never really been happy with my stomach, so how do I tone up? The number on the scale isn't enough. Simply losing weight is too vague. I need to work specific areas, but I'm not sure how. I guess joining the Y will help with that.

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