Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life has been busy busy busy. Christopher's grandmother spent some time in the hospital due to a broken hip. Now she is back doing rehab at her senior living community, but it has been rough for her--and I don't think she is too happy with most things right now. So, that has been hard. Chris's dad and sister have been in town the past few days too to visit his grandmother. The company has been nice, but a little less time for yard work and such.

Eliot's suspected growth spurt seems to continue. He hit an all-time sleep insanity on Sunday night (I think it was Sunday night). He had been waking up on the hour just starving. That night he woke up on the HALF hour--which means no one really slept at all. Chris was pushed as far as he could go and mentioned possibly giving Eliot formula. However, I pointed out that we're probably on the tail end of the growth spurt (if that is what it is) and so the worst should be over. Why give up now? Anyway, ever since, he has only gotten up about five times a night. As I type "only," I am reminded that we had him down to just two snacks a night. Oi. He'll be 12 weeks tomorrow. Will he ever sleep through the night? I mean, it's fine that he isn't, but five times is still a lot.

Maybe it isn't. Oh well. At least Chris has gotten back to being able to sleep through it all. I don't mind being the one to get up with Eliot every time. I mean, what would be the point in waking Chris up? He can't nurse. And he has to work in the morning: I don't. So, it really isn't a big deal.

Yesterday after lunch, we took a trip to Target to pick up a few things. And just because I hadn't gotten out in a while. We decided to get Eliot some new jeans since his 0-3 month jeans are beyond too small. I went ahead and got him 6 month jeans, which are just ever so slightly too large. I think he thinned out a little because he grew longer, so the jeans are just a little big in the waist now. He is also wearing a 6 month shirt right now, which looks great. So cute. Man. As I said, he'll be 12 weeks tomorrow and getting into those 6 month clothes. What a big boy!

It is funny... On Tuesday, Elizabeth and I watched Eliot in his jumparoo. He wasn't too, too into it and his tippy toes barely touched. The NEXT DAY, he was so much more into it, jumping by himself, and his toes touched the ground much easier. Whaaat? These babies really do grow over night.

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