Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chris is back to work today. I almost forgot things like that happen after our first super long weekend together. Man, it is great! We get to have fun on Friday, get down to business with school work and grading on Saturday and Sunday, and then do whatever on Monday.

Yesterday we had one of the best days together in a while. It was bright and sunny, but not that warm yet. I slept in because Eliot kept me up all night. Chris went on a run while I showered and got ready for the day. Then we had lunch at Panera followed by a trip to Target to pick up a few things. On the way home, Chris bought me a frap because my salad and mac'n'cheese just didn't fill me up--I had skipped breakfast and we didn't get to Panera until 2pm.

We stopped by the house real quick so Chris could run in and grab my running shoes and the dog. Then off to Blackwater Creek for a thirty minute walk! Man, I am so very out of shape because I'm all sore just from that. I guess I was pushing a stroller too, but come onnn! I stopped exercising about the third trimester and it has been so cold lately--too cold for baby walks. So, time to get back in shape for all of those hikes this summer.

Here I am pushing the stroller and walking Abed-nego. He's a silly walker and has to be up front. Usually he walks a little more normal, but he didn't like that Chris ran ahead to take our picture.

Then we went home and I took some photos of Chris and Eliot by the cherry tree. I love it when it blossoms. I actually caught a shot of Eliot smiling. We haven't been able to get that before! I just love this picture of the two of them and will probably spend all day staring at it.

I edited photos in bed and then around 7:30 pm, Chris went to get sushi with his friends, Dallas and Andrew. Eliot fell asleep around 8:00 pm, so I had no clue what to do with myself. I answered some student emails, played on the computer, and then just sat around. Chris came home around 11:00 pm since they had dessert at Dallas's apartment. Then off to bed. And then Eliot woke up five times throughout that night. Oh man! I had hoped that he'd be getting closer to sleeping through the night, not further away, but I think it i because he is falling asleep so early. He used to stay up until at least 10:00 pm. Oh well. At least he will sleep in bed with me until around 9:30 am.

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