Friday, March 11, 2011

I washed all of Eliot's 3-6 month clothes and tucked them away in his drawer. I was going to leave the 0-3 clothes that still fit; however, I'm realizing just how small they had all gotten. According to the size charts, he was right at the maximum length. Goodness. I might as well just pack it all up.

Eliot reacted beautifully to his vaccines. No fever. No fussing. He just slept during the day and I was able to get so much done. I cleaned the kitchen, ate lunch, did a load of laundry, took a shower, talked to Chris on a messenger for about an hour, and rested on the couch--I can't nap during the day. Man!

Eliot stoked about his diaper change after his doctor's appointment

Then Chris got home and came down with a migraine. I don't just mean that he got a headache. He started seeing spots and losing his vision. All that. Sooo, we spent the evening in our bedroom in the dark. Eliot was happy to sleep, though, so it all went the best that it could. Today, Chris felt more or less normal.

Eliot and Daddy today

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