Friday, March 11, 2011

It's 1:51 am. I was hungry. :) We had an early dinner and I haven't eaten since, so midnight snack, I guess.

I have about forty minutes until Eliot will probably wake up to eat. Sooo, here are some photos from today just because.

Eliot's bumbo came in the mail. After a little uncertainty at first, he seems to really like it. See, Eliot loves to look all around and see everything that is going on. Around two weeks, he wouldn't take the laying in your arms, baby position anymore. We usually set him on what we call his "throne," which is propped up on our legs (our knees bent, feet resting on the coffee table or bed or whatever) facing us. That way he can sit up. I think the bumbo will help give him that feeling other places too so he won't always have to stare at our faces--although, they say babies like to look at your face. Anyway, he certainly is plumping up big time, huh? He looks like such a little... MAN here. And look at that sleeper! Much more comfortable looking than his old ones.

Here is Bendy giving Eliot some puppy-baby kisses. Chris is always trying to shoo Abed-nego away from Eliot's face, but sometimes you just have to give in for a photo. That dog loves his baby; he's very protective. And I'm so glad that Abed-nego accepted Eliot so well. You hear so many stories where things go wrong and owners have to give their dogs away. Bendy has always been good with kids that he knows--he just really doesn't like strangers. And Eliot is no stranger!

And lastly, Eliot just looking cute. Doesn't it look like he has an elf ear here? Haha! I feel kind of bad because so many of his photos lately make his face look serious chubs, but it because he's always leaning back a little. Oh well. He's a baby. He doesn't care--for now. I wish I could give some good shots of me holding him up normal, but, alas, I'm usually the one taking the pictures. :)

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