Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eliot is kicking in the bassinet, making all sorts of noises. :)
Liberty is on spring break, which I love. For me, it means better parking at work, no one in the bathrooms, and a calm campus. Yesterday, the staff and GSAs went to lunch, and I went along with Eliot even though I didn't have to work. It was nice to see Chris and get out of the house. Today, I am meeting Chris for lunch again. We usually meet one day out of his work week. And then tomorrow he is getting off early and we're heading down to Chesapeake!

We have a bit to do before then. Chris did the laundry last night that I had intended to do during the day--but, hey, I went to lunch instead. Today I'll do a load of towels. I already cleaned the bathroom a couple of days ago, cleaned the kitchen, and tidied up the dining room and den. I prefer coming home to a clean house. So much less stressful, especially when things will inevitably get cluttered from unpacking.

Speaking of packing, I hope to pack our bags tonight and then just finish up tomorrow morning after Chris and I shower. Maybe I can get the car mostly packed tomorrow while Chris is at work.... I'm probably dreaming. I doubt Eliot would let me do that. :)

I also need to give Eliot a bath. I was cuddling with him yesterday when he spit up allll over both of us. Then at 6:00 am this morning, I was changing him and he managed to pee everywhere just as I was putting the new diaper on. I'm not sure how, but he didn't get it on front. Instead, it was all over his back. How in the world? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's quite stinky. Maybe I'll bathe him tonight after dinner. Hm.

I'm sure this is all incredibly uninteresting, but I like making myself lists. :)

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