Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I feel like Eliot is going through a growth spurt. He has to be. Has to be! He is eating all the time, not just every two hours. And he is waking up a lot more during the night. This is the third night in a row that he has gotten up more than four times. Usually it is just two. And it's not like he naps a lot during the day. I'll get two or three twenty-minute naps at the most, but nothing I can count on. Just enough time to throw some lunch together. I suppose he is about two weeks early for the three-month growth spurt, but I guess every baby is different.

I'm glad I quit work when I did. It looks like I would have had to have gone full-time. And I really didn't realize how stressed I was about pumping until I didn't have to all the time. I need to work on doing it just to build up a supply and give him is vitamins, but, man, it was so frustrating. I'm much happier at home with my baby and so thankful that Chris completely supported my decision.

Maybe it's the weather, but I'm feeling kind of bummed these days. I have a lot of grading and schoolwork to do. And I can't ever seem to organize our bedroom. No time. Eliot is always awake and wanting to be held. If not, he's in the jumparoo, which is just a little bit big, so I have to keep an eye on him. And that never lasts long. So, I may be at home, but I don't have a lot of time to get things done and I certainly don't go "out". I feel claustrophobic and antsy. I did organize the pantry yesterday, washed and dried a load, and cleaned the kitty litter. Today, I answered a lot of emails, talked to my mom, and made some car appointments. Chris and I have been going on walks too, which helps me get out of the house some. Maybe I just need to make a list of things to get done each day. Maybe that will make me feel better.

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