Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just got back from Eliot's two month appointment. Eleven pounds and three ounces (75 percentile), twenty-three and a half inches long (90 percentile!!!), and head circumference of fifteen inches (50 percentile). When the doctor left the room, Chris was bursting with excitement about Eliot's possible basketball future. Ha!

The doctor was happy with everything and said that Eliot's green poops are probably just from the fish oil since he is growing so well. I had just thought of that last night. The green diapers started showing up around the time we started giving him the fish oil at night.... Anyway, that is a relief.

We also gave Eliot his first round of vaccines. Ugh. Vaccines have been something I have struggled with in my mind for a long time, even before we got pregnant. Since Chris's cousin is autistic, it is all very real to us. I understand both sides, but with the help of our doctor (whose practice is also well-renowned for being an autism treatment center), I think we have a good, precautions plan. We space them out more than most doctors and give Eliot vitamins to boost his immune system every night.

Speaking of vitamins, I would almost be willing to bet that Eliot would sleep through the night with formula. We usually put his vitamins in a bottle of one or two ounces. Last night, we had a bag of three ounces of breast milk that needed to be finished up before it went bad. So we gave him three ounces right before bed and doubled up on the vitamins since he'd be getting his vaccines. And then Eliot wanted to eat more. So I fed him. The kid slept from 10:30 pm til 5:30 am! If only I could get him to eat that much every night before bed! Then he'd totally be sleeping just fine! But instead he prefers to sip sip sip. He has gotten better since he was a newborn, though. It used to be every hour. Now he usually sleeps until 2:30 am and then gets up every two hours. He'll be eight weeks old tomorrow and I'm tired. Chris said maybe we can try the formula before bed next week. He'd rather I exclusively breastfeed this week to give him the extra benefits since he just got his shots. I don't know. It'd be nice, but it is oh so hard to make the plunge with supplementing. And then I think about it and it IS just supplementing some, not quitting.

Eliot's clothes come in the mail today! And then his bumbo tomorrow! I'm probably more excited than I should be. I'm just really looking forward to washing and organizing all of his clothes. Haha! I love seeing him grow, but of course it makes me sad at the same time. His newborn dino outfits were so cute! I love them! And my little newborn is growing up. Ah.

p.s. I pumped almost three ounces this morning. Maybe the oatmeal is helping. Haha!

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