Thursday, March 31, 2011

As I'm getting through these rainy days, I'm trying to hype myself up about the outdoor activities that summer will bring. For some reason, this winter has hit me harder than others. Maybe it is because it seems to be dragging on. Maybe it is because I had a baby, which might have added some "baby blues" in there as well. But summer will be fun.

I'm planning backpacking adventures in my head. With a baby? Well, we'll give it a try. First we will try camping without the hike at Panther Falls. If that goes well, we'll try backpacking. See, it sounds crazy, but I got to thinking. What would be so different? What would make it complicated? Mostly obviously, we'll have to carry Eliot, so we'll get a baby carrier. This means whoever isn't carrying Eliot (I assume Chris will) will have to carry more gear in the other backpack. But we won't go for more than one night, we will just need the usual essentials: tent, sleeping bags, water, and so on. I think we can handle it.

Then there is the challenge of food. If I'm still able to breastfeed (which I don't see why not), then we have that covered. Sure, we will begin introducing solids at six months, but that won't be until mid-July. Then there are diapers. Well, with breastfeeding, his diapers are not that unpleasant. We'll just bring along one of those scented bags to toss them in. Plus, at this point, his poopy diapers are slowing down.

OK, then. What about sleep? Well, what about it? Eliot loves loves loves to sleep in bed with us. And so I imagine he'll take to sharing a sleeping bag with me quite well. I don't roll in my sleep at all and I'm a very light sleeper, so co-sleeping (though we try to avoid it) has worked well on nights when I prefer to nurse Eliot laying down and then we fall asleep together that way. I know co-sleeping isn't suggested by many people, but sometimes it is too sweet to pass up. I confess that sometimes I bring him to bed when he isn't even asking for it, just because I want to be close to him.

I think we're covered on all ends. The only problem is see is a six-month catch 22. The manufacturer doesn't suggest using the child carriers until they are six months old. Well, all right. But. At six months, we'll be introducing solids, making his poop smell more and also complicating my breastfeeding fast food simplicity. Darn. Honestly, I think he'll be fine in the carrier a little earlier than six months. And when we introduce solids, it won't be like that is allll he eats all the time. And even if he did, well, baby food isn't so hard to carry along. It will just go in the bear bag too. :)

So, those are my excessive reasonings about backpacking with a baby and why it just might work. I think we might go check our local hiking store tonight to see if they have an inexpensive carrier. I found ones I like online, but I'd rather support local businesses when I have the option.

p.s. This marks four nights in a row that Eliot has continued to get up frequently. Last night it was six times. It feels like the first month all over again. Gotta be a growth spurt, right? I hope so!

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